Rose wishes

As you probably noticed 😍 I love roses. No, better said, I adore them! Especially the pink ones.
So…. I incorporate roses a lot in my artsy splashes. I have to have roses in any shape or form, always. It’s ‘simply’ a majestic beauty, so strong and everlasting, so scentive, romantic and attractive.
I often see bumblebees sleeping inside my roses. Such an adorable sight that is! Their bodies are often sprinkled with pollen. They seem to have had a very full meal, all the time 😂. So so cute to see! Speaking about bumblebees. ABBA recently came out with a great new project called ‘Voyage’. On their new album is this great number ‘Bumblebee’. I’ll attach it here for you to listen. I love that song too! Simply Perfect! I always have to laugh out loud when Frida sings ‘fuzzy ball’ 😂🌺🌸🌺🐝
So….. I created this mixed media folder/folio in a vintage roses theme with French influences. It’s filled with a notetag and a little notebook, closed with pretty seam binding ribbon in sage green. I decorated it with lace and flowers, and of course lots of vintage looking labels and stamps. I love the outcome of it. It makes a great gift to send to a friend or loved one. I hope you like it too! Pray and stay in the light. Don’t fear. Believe and you’ll receive!
Blessings & Love

It shall blossom abundantly,
and rejoice even with joy and singing:
the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it,
the excellency of Carmel and Sharon,
they shall see the glory of the LORD,
and the excellency of our God.
Isaiah 35

Rosa Kir Royal from my garden!
Click the photo to see the whole photo album of this pretty pink rose
which I share in my online portfolio ! There you can view even more pretty roses from my garden!

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