It’s not over ’till it’s over

Paper heart with blue crystal

Almost fourty years ago, early in the morning of the 30th of October 1984, at around 7.15 am I sat next to my father when I saw him breathing his last breath and pass over to the next realm.

That moment will be forever be engraved in my soul and is something that I cherish so much, because I was there with him, holding his hand, when he peacefully went.

The evening before his funeral service I saw him for the last time, laying in his coffin, in his pretty blue jacket and one of his beautiful blue eyes shone through underneath his eyelid, as if he was winking to me. His eyes were as blue as cornflowers… another moment I will never forget.

Now….. almost fourty years later I am sitting next to the bed of my dear husband, who is fighting for his life. He has the same blue eyes, which are sometimes looking at me in the same way as then and there. As if all our connectedness come together in one set of blue eyes. He still looks young, as if nothing happened in the 35 years that have passed since we met. And I start to cry and don’t know what to do. Still…………. I still don’t know what to do, and I know I cannot do anything. I just have to BE there for him. Passing on is something you cannot learn. There is no manual for passover and certainly no timeline. The 5th of May is Orthodox Easter. Coincidence? The only thing I do know is that it’s important that I am there for him, and I hope he will be there next year!

We hope to celebrate 35 years together at the end of this month. 35!!!
3 plus 5 = 8 = infinity.
Together forever!

So……. here I am, waiting breathlessly for what’s going to happen. He is fighting for his life, in peace, at home. Home alone, in it together. The battle with this life is almost over. It is almost finished. For me too. Every day i’m more tired than the day before.

Please pray for my dear husband that he may survive, that he can find his strength back, somehow and that we may witness the Great day of the coming of the Lord together while he is still by my side. Its not over till it’s over! Fight baby fight!!! You cannot be missed’here on earth!!! You little rascal! ❤❤❤

I put some of his favorite songs here. Please pray for us!🙏🏻

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

1 Thessalonians 4:16

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