Fairy purple world free wallpaper
Hello there,
And again………. I couldn’t sleep, still can’t sleep. It has been like this day in and out since my husband died. My whole life is totally upside down. So I thought to start playing around with creating a new digital wallpaper. And of course it’s the colour purple again. Still in that kind of mood. I’m tired and at the same time trying to find a new order in my life. But so far there’s more chaos than order. But good things are happening as well and I hold on to those things.
Today I was at my husband’s grave and another miracle happened! I was stunned! I stood there, as usual, talking and crying and one of a sudden a light grey feather flew in a diagonal over his grave to land on the ground two metres from me. Of course I picked it up. Then I knew he was telling me he saw me and guides me and keeps and eye one me. Isn’t that magical! And a moment later a white butterfly flew around over and along his grave! Truly…… I was in heaven. So now I have four feathers in total. I’m still in awe.
Yesterday evening I watched that movie ‘Ghost’ with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. Tears in heaven of course, oh yeah, what else………. pfffff………… Drama Queen! But it’s all part of my process and I just have to go through it. But things are changing slightly in a good way. But now….. how do I get some sleep?!
Anyway, here is my newest creation, fresh from the graphic machine. We keep on smiling, putting on some make-up, earrings and stuff……. the show must go on! I hope you’ll enjoy my newest freebie!

My fairy purple world – 257
The passion of the Christ – 257
I can feel the higher frequency – 257
Supernatural phenomena – 257
I can see the perfect alignment – 257
Father Son Holy Spirit – 257
The Lord God is with you – 257
The heart of Jesus Christ – 257
Nothing is what it seems – 257
The greatest cure is love – 257
Profound sign and miracles – 257
Early morning blessings – 257

‘My fairy purple world’ digital art desktop background/wallpaper by Ingeborg van Zuiden
Size: 1080 x 1920 px
Click the download button to save this file to your computer.
Right-click with your mouse and select ‘save image as’.

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