Angel eyes

Buttons and beads in turquoise
Details of vintage blue angel card with Petaloo flowers

Hello there!

Don’t lose hope! Ever! At the moment the temperatures in the world are as cold as ice blue. Even the local flower seller was in a bad mood. How can you be in a bad mood when you’re surrounded by flowers?! Well, that tells me a lot about how low we are right now. It’s as cold as it can get and it’s time that the world must be released. Though, it will be Spring before you know it. So hold on, hold your head up high when the ice storm hits in its full force and know the angels are surrounding you to help you through it. It will be a devastating moment when all the horrible truth is coming out and maybe you’ve already found out about some of it. The world will be in shock. Whenever and how it hits is in God’s hands. But know that in the end he will make things right again. I hope and pray you will get through it well.

This is a mirror case I created. A ‘throwback case’ haha. La vie en rose with a bit of cold blues. I was thinking about a title for this blogpost and came up with angeleyes, as it’s about a mirror where you of course look into and an angel. And then that great song of ABBA came up in my head, which I ‘glued’ at the end of this post for you to enjoy! I hope you enjoy this throwback piece of embroidery of mine today.

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