About Ingeborg

Ingeborg van Zuiden

I am Ingeborg van Zuiden-Weijman. I live in the Netherlands. Although I first saw the light in the Netherlands, and Dutch is my native language, I prefer to express myself in English. English is my ‘soul’ language, as I feel it. I love humor and am very passionate about creating (mixed media) art and other pretty things to enhance my quality of life, and to express my inner world, especially with using flowers as thankful topic. I need to create always!

After 35 years together my dear husband Jan died in May 2024. He was a great, caring and kind man and husband whom I loved dearly. I had a beautiful journey in life with him. He taught me so much wisdom and always encouraged me. He has always put me on a pedestal and protected me. He was the love of my life and he will forever live on in my heart and soul.

Enjoy today! Tomorrow may never come!

Being creative is therapy for me. Since my mid twenties I am struggling with some very difficult health issues and I know for sure that when I wouldn’t have had the possibility to create during these years I would not be here anymore. Thank God who lifts me up to my ‘fairy beautiful world’ anytime I want to! In times when ‘it’ was or is really hitting me hard i’ve created or am creating my most beautiful pieces. I learned to hold on, and never give up and try to start all over again each day and follow my heart and intuition. I hope and know someday soon i will be healed. God works in mysterious ways, so i’ve experienced. He always leads me to another level! In my darkest moments he never disappointed me. He was always there and rescued me, and He will always be there.

I am very enthusiastic, passionate, honest, loving, hypersensitive and empathic. Also a strong ‘Katinka’ (pronounce with Russian tongue 😁 ) always in need and search for the sunshine in life.

I need space, nature, colour and honest happy people around me. I am also ‘gifted’ which is really a very difficult but foremost a rich and interesting challenge to live with. Most of the time people think i’m ‘something else’, but I don’t care. I used to, but after being so insecure for so many years one has to learn at some point to let go and follow their own path. It’s difficult to communicate on different levels. Often i’m misunderstood or maybe I misunderstand others. Our Creator wants me to be the way I AM and I honor God for wanting me to be me! I ‘just’ try to make something good of my life no matter what challenges. I try to live by a simple Bible verse which is 1. Corinthians 13 which is about LOVE ❤

The language of love is universal!

Ingeborg van Zuiden - I love doves and pigeons

I do not much like social media. I’ve tried and tried and tried on all kinds of platforms. But very very soon I feel very unhappy there. I am not a very good digital communicator. I am more of a real person who likes to look people in the eyes and touch them, hear them talk and interact as our Creator has created us. So when you see me go on and off social media, it’s that I try, but very soon do not feel well. The only account I have is on Pinterest and on Telegram, just for visual inspiration or following news, but even there i’m not very active. Social media has brought division in my family, as well as the whole concept of e-mail and digital interaction. Nope, not for me. I do try to go with time and not be left behind, if you see what I mean, hence that is why I talk on my blog, and of course there are positive sides to it. I use the internet to research and find truth, but even then i’m careful to believe. I try to discern the best I can and ‘feel’ if it resonates with me. So there you go, some of my feelings about this digital world!

I love birds! I inherited this special love from my father and my grandmother (his mother). My father had carrier pigeons and so I was raised around the birds. 🕊 Pigeons and doves always crossed my path in life on special moments. Especially in very challenging times even white pigeons showed up!

I am a friend of the house sparrows

I was born in a beautiful old forest on an estate called ‘HemelseBerg’ (freely translated into ‘Heavenly Mountain’) in Oosterbeek in the Eastern part of the Netherlands. In my heart and soul I truly feel I am a forest flower fairy, always living in my own dreamy ‘fairy beautiful world’, as that’s the name I like to use for my virtual nest on the internet!

Ingeborg van Zuiden - I love flower fairies
Inge Weijman - Ingeborg van Zuiden - The Box Arnhem, AVRO's TOPPOP Disc'olympics 1985

I love to sing, and I have been a professional singer for years in my younger days. I was on TV and radio in the eighties. I love iridescence, sparkles, birds, fairies and flowers. I love to make people happy where I can. I hate dishonesty and people who are mean, the devil, witchcraft, cult and the dark side of life, however I do realize the light can’t do without the dark. There are always two sides; i’m on the light one and will refuse the dark one, always. I stand for justice, honesty, loving, caring and purity and am interested in many things.

I have many hobbies. My attention goes to a variety of things, fields and subjects like philosophy, psychology, inventions, graphic design, interior design, gardening, floral arranging 🌷🌼🌸 cross-stitching, silk ribbon embroidery 🧵 crazy quilting, paper art, singing 🎤, playing the Ukelele, photography 📸, painting, knitting, crochet, fashion, make-up 💄 jewelry making 💍 oh and so much more it goes! I am never bored, that’s for sure and happy with either little and big things. I care for the pure and good intention behind it all!

So……. there you have a little insight in who I am but there is of course so much more alive in me haha!

As you can read I love to talk as well 😆

A rose is a rose...

Enjoy your stay in my fairy beautiful garden!

Let Love Be Your Guide

May peace be with you!

1 Corinthians 13

I may speak in different languages, whether human or even of angels. But if I don’t have love, I am only a noisy bell or a ringing cymbal. I may have the gift of prophecy, I may understand all secrets and know everything there is to know, and I may have faith so great that I can move mountains. But even with all this, if I don’t have love, I am nothing. I may give away everything I have to help others, and I may even give my body as an offering to be burned. But I gain nothing by doing all this if I don’t have love.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth. Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits.

Stop and smell the flowers!

Love will never end. But all those gifts will come to an end—even the gift of prophecy, the gift of speaking in different kinds of languages, and the gift of knowledge. These will all end because this knowledge and these prophecies we have are not complete. But when perfection comes, the things that are not complete will end.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, and I made plans like a child. When I became a man, I stopped those childish ways. It is the same with us. Now we see God as if we are looking at a reflection in a mirror. But then, in the future, we will see him right before our eyes. Now I know only a part, but at that time I will know fully, as God has known me. So these three things continue: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

Click on the blue bird on the mailbox to leave me a note

You can also go to my contact page.

Mail and flowers